October 22, 2023
Acclaimed nationwide, is the charming town of Inami in Nanto City of Toyama Prefecture renowned for its master shokunin wood carving/sculpting craftsmen. This temple town’s unexpected rise to become the Japanese capital of woodwork began after its main Buddhist temple Zuisenji built in 1390, sustained immense fire damage over 100 years ago. Subsequently Maekawa Sanshirou, a famous master wood scupltor was deployed from Kyoto to rebuild the temple, and it’s his skills that have been passed down through generation after generation as the foundation for modern Inami woodcarving, for many of the carpenters, artisans and their apprentices who worked under Sanshiro decided to settle in Inami, polish their craft and flourish in such an intimate, supportive community.
Reconstruction was completed in 1885 and Zuisenji now stands as the largest wooden temple in the Hokuriku area, with its first great gate called Sanmon. Walking through the temple grounds, one can observe in all its beauty, the intricate detailed work of the carvings depicting ancient, traditional or mythological motifs from Japanese legend, history and the Chinese zodiac.
If you’re looking to spend the night in Inami, look no further than a beautiful stay at Bed & Craft: Mitu or one of their other stunning villa properties. For those wishing for a splurge and something truly special, book a stay and/or just a meal at the divine L’evo deep in the mountains of Toyama.